Thursday, February 19, 2009


this is post #350.
is that significant?  i don't think it is.

it's currently 8:12am, and there's no way i'd usually be up writing at this hour.  my 7:45am class was cancelled today, but nobody knew about it until we were already sitting in the class, wondering/hoping if it was cancelled.  i think i might go get some more sleep shortly, we'll see.

i thought of something on the very chilly walk to class though.
it's only over the past year that i've been really starting to learn what love is.  and i definitely do not mean just bf/gf kind of love.

i've always been awkward around love, even the true, caring, friendship kind of love.  i don't know why.  but there's been a few good friends that have helped show me what it's like to love your friend truly as a brother or sister.  i appreciate that a lot.

thanks AJ, Taylor, Kelley, Nick.  you guys are first that come to mind.  it's not only your interactions with me that i've learned from, but just how you live with the people around you.

i've got to say, right now i'm probably the best i've ever been.
if nothing else, i'm at least the oldest i've ever been.

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