Thursday, January 15, 2009


i feel like my mind has been a train wreck for a while now.
i'm really scatterbrained.
there are way too many things competing for my attention.
too much to do.  or at least think about doing.  or just think about.
i try to do too much at once.  when i'm on the computer i will honestly open like 5+ tabs and go back in forth through all of them, not completely finishing any of them in one look, jumping around.  i'll be writing an email and in the middle i'll go on facebook or suddenly look up a video and then come back to the email but then stop again and write on somebody's wall and then read a blog and then when i finish with all the distractions i remember that i was writing an email so i finish that.  and in all of that i will have forgotten to do at least 3 things that i meant to do and were more important than the distractions. oy.

i feel like i'm going to have dreams tonight.
i usually have dreams when i know my brain has been working too hard.

drained.  unmotivated.  whatever the opposite of "driven" is.
that's how i feel at the moment.

it was really nice at work today for the 3 hours or so i worked in a different department where i was mostly by myself and it was quiet and relaxing and i was doing something that made me feel like i was accomplishing things and not just waiting for the next customer to show up.  i might transfer to that department.

i don't feel like i get time to relax my brain.
whenever i try, i just get sleepy and then i sleep a little and then just want more sleep.

i think maybe the key to a lot of this is getting enough sleep at night.
i'm going to make it my goal to get some more sleep, at least for a week or so, and see what happens.

yeah.  sleep.  let's be friends.
because it's hard to do anything when you just feel half dead.
i don't do that good a job of taking care of myself.

i wanted to post a video but all of them seem to have embedding disabled so i will just link it.
good message in the song.  some "bad" words.  whatever, you're grown up i'm sure.

and btw, i've done like 7 different things throughout the course of writing this.
it doesn't stop.

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