Monday, August 18, 2008

well that was.... hard

listening to: La Dispute - Shall Never Lose Its Power

the hardest part about today was leaving a voicemail on my mothers phone explaining that she was wrong in thinking me talking to my dad had got me down today. it was me trying hard not to be angry with her, because i don't think she is going about everything the right way.

my mother. the woman who birthed me and helped raise me. i told her i thought she was doing it wrong. living part of her life wrong. i don't want to do that.

and i don't know what she thinks of that. she called back but i was working and she didn't leave a message. i didn't call her back. i.... i don't know what i'll be faced with when i do talk to her. she seems to get really offended and upset when the possibility is suggested that she is doing something wrong or has made a mistake.

i don't know.
my mom and siblings are moving out of the house and into an apartment on saturday. i don't like it. my dad has to be in court tuesday, i'll be there too for him.

and holy crap, i leave for california sunday.
that's good. but just... wow. awesome.

i need to go to sleep.
i've got 3 books to read right now. it'll be hard choosing which one to read first. we'll see. i'll let you know how they are.


  1. Realizing that our parents are imperfect and sometimes selfish beings is a rather difficult part of that whole stupid growing up process. Good job calling your mom up and holding her accountable. Don't second guess yourself, ok? She is not just your mother; she is your sister in Christ, and you have a responsibility to her as her brother in Christ to hold her up to His standards.

    P.S. Have a lovely time in California. It's a good place... even if it is full of whackos :)

  2. I'm praying for your family still, I hope all goes well tomorrow.

  3. thanks for the encouragement guys. i appreciate it.

    we're all just praying.
