Sunday, October 19, 2008


listening to: You Look Nice Today - Mr. Owl

my car finally exploded like i thought it would. it didn't last long enough to get it fixed. now it won't start up and what the expected problem is costs more than it's worth to go through. it died on the way to church this morning, luckily nick was driving his car there so he came and got me. it just got too darned hot in that there engine. *sigh*

so we're going to scrap it.

but. i think we've already got a new car for me picked out. i'm almost positive. as long as it checks out to be in good shape we'll be getting it. it's not a stick though. QQ :(
i'm going to need a good nickname for this car if i'm going to like it. i don't find it very likable on it's own. buick lesabre. white. got a little bit of damage on the rear passenger side, but that doesn't bother me. it's got far more space in it than my old car. this car is for utility, not for prettyness. it's not unique. my little Akai, rest his wheels, was much more of a unique car. i felt like it did an alright job of refelcting me, i liked it. the new one... not so much.

but that's why i need to give it a good name. any suggestions? i'll ask again once i have a picture of it and i'll post them.

the end of an era. You were good to me Akai. We had good times. You transported beautiful people in your seats over the years. i'll never regret our time together, and i'll promise never to grow to love automatic transmission. i won't forget that you taught me what it means to shift.

in much more awesome news, i successfully played rock band with my real guitar tonight. not telling how, i already explained my idea to a few people. it worked. i plan on making a video of it because after a brief scan, i don't see that anybody has done this before, at least not on the internet. wouldn't it be nuts if i was the first one to have this idea and do it? crazysauce.

ok, i've got 2 presentations to prepare for, some drawing to do. all gotta do tonight.

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