Saturday, October 11, 2008

"tonight we ride"

listening to: La Dispute - Said the King to the River
i LOVE this band

this was the first video i found of them with decent sound quality. too bad they didn't keep filming, it sounds like they were going straight into Future Wars.

boy does Jordan(singer) have a brain. the lyrics are so... strong. it's phenomenal. the words that come out of his head are great. the band as a whole is so awesome. they are so REAL. and a lot of that is thanks to the singer. he seems like genuinely one of the nicest people. always smiling. really gets into things onstage. puts his heart into it.

i can't wait for november 8, their cd release show at skelletones. anyone who reads this should go to it. it will be EPIC. real good bands all around there.

sidenote: emo is making tots at 2am and it's making me hungry. unfair.

just watch the video and listen. please love la dispute. they deserve it.


  1. Nice post...they are truly amazing, but how could you tell that they were going to play future wars right after that? I didn't hear any of the opening part.

  2. the drum beat mostly.
    the guitar hit that same opening chord to future wars and was letting it ring. i could tell mostly by drums, the snare. give the video like 3 more seconds and i'm sure it would be obvious to anyone.

    if you didn't know the song well either i think you could tell by jordan's face that it was done and they were moving on to a fan favorite.

  3. haha i was at that concert, the skies revolt cd release. 'twas the second time theo and i saw them. i remember everybody there except us knew ALL the words and were just going crazy

    i remember during the bridge in 'To Withstand the Force of Storms' where it goes, 'the first thing that you learn...' i got goosebumps like never before. the band just showed SOO much energy and emotion, i realized thay may quickly become a fav of mine

    they did.
