Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i've got this feeling...

listening to: Thrice - Digging My Own Grave

so i saw something on the drive home that immediately made me pretty upset, but now that i've looked into it more, i'm still a little upset but i understand more. it was a billboard with a picture of two people asleep in a bed with their feet sticking out from under the covers and in big letters it said "skip church." and then a website, what i assumed that the ad was promoting a way to watch the church services online and avoid going to church altogether. this got me all fired up and angry that a church would so boldly proclaim that physically being in church isn't important. church becomes just a place to go to learn a lesson or something like that, and community doesn't matter. community, accountability, discussion, questioning, encouragement, fellowship... all unnecessary now that you can sleep as long as you'd like and then watch the service at your leisure if you feel like it. i was disgusted.

well, then i got home and went to the site and read more about it, and it's actually just advertising their new late service sundays at 6pm.

but i did not like the message that got to me first from the ad. yes, it was definitely attention grabbing, but i didn't like it.

so here's something more important.
tonight while sitting in my car at work for a little over two hours, i was reading. first i read some of my marketing homework. mildly interesting. then i cracked open the book i have been a little nervous about reading, the book i didn't mean to buy but i saw it on the shelf out of the corner of my eye and i just felt like i really needed to read it, The Irresistible Revolution. Let me tell you, i only read the introduction and author's note and already i'm planning on how to get rid of maybe half the stuff i own, because really, i don't need it. not at all.

it was kind of crazy going from reading my marketing textbook which is all about business and consumers and products and... marketing, and then i start reading something that's totally unlike that, even opposed. as i was reading i felt really excited. i did what i do sometimes when nobody else is around and something has got me excited and happy and riled up, i started making weird noises. i really hope you who are reading this does the same thing beacuse otherwise i'm just going to look insane. you know, if you just feel so energized you might burst? i was making excited sounds, little yelps and shouts. uuggghhhh i think i sound crazy. haha. maybe undignified. yeah. i was laughing out loud to myself. lolling, if you will. this book is going to do something to me, change something in me, i really believe.

but in order for it to do that i need to read it. i'm thinking of giving myself an "in bed" time, where i stop what i'm doing for the night, hop into bed, and read for a while. maybe midnight or 1am. that might sound late, but trust me, i'm regularly up at those hours.

anyway, i need to go do something else for a bit, maybe homework. maybe a game. we'll see.

despite my car seeming to become worse almost daily, i'm still loving life pretty hxc.


  1. shane claiborne is a wonderful human being, and a pretty good author, too.

  2. yeah, i think i'm going to like the guy.
