Wednesday, May 7, 2008

expectations and actualizations

listening to: Thrice - The Earth Isn't Humming

ever expect to get a certain thing for a gift, but then get something else that's just as good or better, and you're disappointed that you didn't get what was expected?
deeper now.

God has good things in store for us. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jer 29:11
so there is nothing wrong with expecting good things if you are trying to follow the plan God has for you. a problem can arise when you expect specific things though. what is "good" in your eyes may be quite different from what God has in mind.

i encountered this idea no better than while reading Perelandra by C.S. Lewis. In the book there comes an example of walking through the forest looking for food. You have a fruit in mind that you are looking for, but you only find a different fruit. This different fruit is no less good than the one you were expecting, but merely the fact that you were looking for something else made your find less pleasing. In this same way, God gives us blessings, but sometimes our expectations kill the joy we should have at our gifts.

There is at least one great example of this in the Bible. Jesus, the prophesied Messiah, was a disappointment to many. They had expected a mighty king that would crush their enemies, instead that got a peaceful, loving teacher that would submit himself to torture death in order to offer salvation to all. This was an amazing gift, far greater than simple conquering could ever be, but it wasn't what had been expected so some people rejected it.

What do you expect from God? I expect that I'll be taken care of safely until it's my time to come to Heaven, my true home and true country. I expect that I'll be blessed and joyful if I seek God, but I don't for one minute expect that I won't have hardship.

You know, i've never liked trying to come up with all the qualities or features of a perfect girl for me. Over the years i think i've maybe developed preferences (i've sort of had a thing for dark hair and glasses) but none of them would make or break a relationship. it's just details. the heart is what matters. a beautiful heart and soul. the right person will be there at the right time, but i don't have that person defined. i'd prefer to be surprised by joy on this one.

bless you all. love and peace.


  1. I enjoyed reading Peralandra. Pilgrims Regress give a similar illustration of man on a journey for one thing who discovers something greater. I love how Lewis so artfully connects the very nature of desire with the only One worth desiring. The only one that both fulfills our desires and continues our desires so we never loose the delight of desire by attaining that which we desire.

  2. very well put about desire!
    I for sure plan on reading more C.S. Lewis books this summer. And since my summer starts today... I should probably pick one up.

    Thanks for the comment! here's something a friend just showed me today that you might be interested in:
