Tuesday, May 20, 2008

lost and found

listening to: Burden of a Day - Blessed Be Our Ever After

"Blessed be our ever after
Blessed be the ones who enter here
This is our prayer"

picked up Burden of a Day's new cd today. It's been out for a while now but i never managed to go get it and i refused to dl it. They are a cool band. Emo and I drove 2 hours to see them when all we knew of them was from their myspace. Not bad. I've got a complaint about the CD though...
the quality is too good.

their previous cd wasn't recorded/mixed/mastered or whatever really well. it was good stuff, but it just wasn't a high quality finished product sound-wise. my main problem is what they've done with the vocals. the singers voice is pretty intense, mostly screaming. on the first cd, is was clearly passionate. his voice would crack sometimes and it had a uniqueness to it, kind of like La Dispute's singer has a distinct way of singing. there's no more of this on the new CD. either the singer has gotten "better" or they "improved" it after recording. makes me kinda sad. there's less character in the voice now, it sounds too much alike to other bands. i would love to see these guys live again, i'm sure the singer would be better that way.

anyways, i've listened to the whole cd through by now as a result of driving around today. now it's time to go through the lyrics, which i'm thinking will make me like it more. we shall see.

speaking of lyrics, i was digging through the large mess on my desk here and i found a song that i had started writing a while ago and was pretty pumped about, but I haven't touched it since. it's about a struggle of sorts between the earth,(as in ground/dirt) water, and sky. reading through what i wrote down, it doesn't feel like the words flow together well enough, but i think that's because i haven't decided on a melody for it to follow. when i wrote it i think i was thinking of a thrice song, but i by no means want to copy. well, here's 4 lines from it.

The oceans deep and the earth is shaking
calling out to the depths
what they seek is what sky is hating
protests with all its breath
conflict no? haha, maybe those mean nothing. thrice made me want to write about elements.

tomorrow is Sabbath. mmm love it. i think i'm going to play DDR with emo sometime tomorrow, should be good, see if i've got any skillz left. for now, sleep timez!

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