Friday, May 16, 2008


listening to: Finch - Ender

it's late, and i need to wake up in the morning for work, and i'm driving to chicago with nick tomorrow to see rich. so i should be sleeping.
but i don't feel like sleeping, if only to rebel against the need of it.

i would rather stay up and make music.

though it may never be heard, i still think it's the best song i've ever finished.

i'll succumb to sleep now.

but this video is really funny. to me at least. and i love Home Movies. I'd like to share it with friends and hope they find it funny.


  1. "i guess i'll never love my adopted son as much as my own child"

    lol. SOO good (teen girl squad voice)

    dude. thrice. hmmm =)

  2. haha yeah.
    i found that funny. coming from a kid whose family adopted three kids.

    emo said that was bad of me.

    oh well. i'm leaving for chicago within the hour! cya there tomorrow!
