Sunday, November 9, 2008

La Dispute is for lovers

listening to: La Dispute - New Storms for Older Lovers

"I guess loves a funny thing--the way it fades away without a warning. It doesn't ask to be excused. And when it's gone--oh, it's gone--and it ain't ever comin' back"

this was just a test to see if my phone would keep decent audio quality when recording something loud like a concert. man, i should have kept the camera rolling...

one of the best parts about La Dispute's shows here in Grand Rapids is that the whole crowd sings with them. everybody is into it, we all love it, we all love them. and they love us. it's fantastic.

dear girl from the concert,
i halfheartedly apologize for getting pushed into you so much. it was probably because we were standing right next to each other for a good third of the show. you stood closer to me than was necessary, i knew it, but i'm not complaining. we made eye contact more often than strangers usually do and somehow our arms got tangled up more than once. whether anything meant something, i do not know. just like i don't know your name and you don't know mine. but that's fine. because everything was superficial, it was just us at a concert tonight. though i'm starved for attention, i've got no intentions, and i know it just wouldn't be right.
the guy who noticed you pointing him out to your friend after the show.

ps. i saw you on the way out, should i have said bye? nah.

so anyway, the show was phenomenal. every bit of ringing in my ears was worth it. there were no sucky bands. Charles the Osprey opened. then Native, then Victor! Fix the Sun, then Pauscity(sp?), then Brothers, and finally La Dispute. the show was really cool. they had some readings inbetween songs occasionally, and Jordan(singer)'s dad played and sang a song. Two other guys (i think brothers?) played and sang a different song later. it was all really well done.

i actually love coming home from concerts all dirty and sweaty and bruised and scratched. battle scars. a sign that you lived.

i lived tonight.
and i know how music makes me feel alive.

sometimes i wonder why i'm finishing school.
it makes sense though. and i'd finish even if the only reason was to make my parents proud. i'll be the first Pyper to graduate college. that kind of thing counts for something with family.

time to collapse.
i love.

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