Sunday, February 24, 2008

an attempt at a recap

GDC 08 is done and over.
is it possible to summarize quickly? I'll try.

i guess i can make this easier on myself if I start where i left off last, thursday.
oh, i've got videos uploaded of the Smash Bros Brawl tournament on youtube.
thursday night Giannii and i went out for pizza and he told me about his idea for an online flash based graphic novel. it's sounds really sweet and I hope i'll be able to help him out with it. thanks again Giannii for letting me stay at your place. Friday was the last day of the conference. Worked some, went out to eat dinner with my new friends, went to the volunteer post mortem and got some free stuff. Good times, but then I had to say goodbye.

I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge my new friends from indiana: Chris, Justin, and Tim. i dunno if you'll ever read this, but you guys rock and i'm going to try very hard to make it down there for the gaming event you'll have going on next month.

the bus ride home was made interesting by talking to a couple who asked about all the stuff i was carrying with me. i told them about the conference and stuff and they were just nice people. i hung out with Giannii a bit more friday night, then went to bed so i could wake up early to make my flight. the flights were mostly uneventful, filled with a half asleep state of mind. tim and i were on the same plane to chicago and we hung out a bit during our layovers. on the plane back to GR i sat next to a young married couple coming back from a mission trip in mexico. they were cool to talk to. i envied them a bit. they loved each other and it was obvious. but i try to keep these kind of thoughts away from myself these days. i say that with a smile.

thanks kel for the phone calls.

and so i made it home safe and sound. it was a great trip. there was something about just getting away from all my regular routines and thoughts that was really nice, but now it's time to get back to what i left behind here.

i bid you goodnight with something i read in Proverbs today.
Proverbs 3:3 "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."

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