Wednesday, February 27, 2008

productive? feels like it.

instead of writing out some homework or reading or studying this morning, i finished my song.

well, i feel good about it at least. :)
i've got all the words done and the music for guitar. i can pretty much sing it and play it at the same time decently. we'll see if i try to do that or try to record singing/playing separately and mix them together. of course if i start doing separate parts and mixing, there's no telling where I would stop adding things in just because I could. I mean, I'm even thinking of ideas of how to make it into a simple music video. it's so exciting, i even started capitalizing some things in that last sentence! but we shall see, we shall.

i have this unfortunate feeling though that maybe this song was a selfish endeavor. like, i did it for me. really, i guess that doesn't seem bad, isn't that what you should do? not write music for others, write it because you want to. i don't know. i'm becoming more aware lately that I have a selfish mind, but sometimes i like doing things for somebody else so much that it feels strange to do something for just me.

as long as this isn't detrimental, it'll be ok.

time to get ready for class. love you, world.

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