Wednesday, April 9, 2008

dream a dream

so i can tell that my brain has been working a lot lately because i've been having dreams and i remember them.

last night's dream was pretty cool. i was in a house with a lot of floors in it. there were ladders going up to the ceiling all over the place, and on the ceiling there were secret entrances to spaces inbetween the floors. in the secret places the walls were all padded and it was like a fort. it was fun exploring there. i think there was some small element of fear in it, like there could be a monster/ghost/bad guy in there somewhere too, but i don't remember being too afraid. west was in it for a little while. i guess i thought i remembered more of the dream than i can describe. heh, it was a good one though.

the dream i had a night or two before was much less pleasant. she was with me again, appeared to want me again, in that way. it felt weird, like... not quite right. it was a dream after all. but then he showed up. he showed up and she left for him. why did my mind make that dream? it wasn't being nice to itself. i think that the worst day ever would be the day where in the same 24 hour period i was loved and then that love was given to somebody else. that would be absolutely terrible.

but that was just a dream and i'm over it. i'm feeling good.

before i went to bed last night, i checked my bank account online. suddenly i noticed a bunch of negative balances going back into earlier this month. i almost panicked! there was no way i wouldn't have noticed going in the red, i check my balance pretty often. i was worried because it said i only had about $50 left and the $300 rent check hadn't gone through yet. i was looking through my account over the last month or two and i couldn't see where there had been a problem, but i knew that it couldn't be right. so i went to bed praying that there had been a mistake with the bank or their internet stuff and that in the morning it would be sorted out.
sure enough, i woke up, checked my account again, and everything was fine. the rent check went through and i had exactly the 4 dollars and something that i thought i would have. i've been just scraping by on money these past 2 months or so, but i'm ok with it. once i get my tax refund, which should hit my account on the 18th i believe, things will be fine and dandy. i'll buy guitar stuff and i'll buy groceries and... who knows what else. a synth! yeah yeah.

delightful. so this is the morning so far, things are good today. going to The Devil Wears Prada concert if it's not sold out. if it IS sold out, i'm still going to try to get them to let me in to buy a shirt. but i SO hope that if i get in that the will play and maybe finish up by like... quarter to 9. i've got a soccer game at 9:10 that i don't want to miss either. we shall see.

peace out for now.

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