Wednesday, April 2, 2008

marching on

today went awesomely.

waking up went pretty well. got to class a little late, but class was good. i got home, and wrote a paper right away. that = productive. didn't have lunch with my cousin because she left her phone at home and i couldn't get a hold of her. another time. alex came by and we hung out with emo. talked about anime, music, watched youtube videos. good stuff.

then, the jamming.

so good! i love music. i love playing guitar. alex and i had some pretty dece jams going. i need to go learn how to play all of F.C.P. Remix and also maybe Ghostship part I. ghostship is kinda long though....
but anyway. lately i've been discovering the joys of delay and harmonics. ambient music ftw! delay is fun to play with, i never knew. this summer... i so want to play guitar like... all the time. i'm gonna try to make it happen. maybe i'll make a plan to learn one song a week or something. or something.

his house was fun. usually if i'm not playing the music i don't enjoy it as much, but i didn't feel like that today. it's good to hang out with those people, i like them. katie's surprise part was after that, fun stuff. had a good time just hanging out with people more out there. played a little wii sports. i beat adam twice at tennis and i won at bowling. i got 6 strikes in a row on wii bowling, that's a record for me. in case you didn't know, that's called a 6-pack. i was impressed, justin was maybe depressed that i won like that.

after the party alex and i went to burger king and got some food. the car in front of me was taking forever to get their food at the drive through. i had this great idea to turn up my music real loud, get out of the car, and start hardcore dancing outside. i was literally opening my door to get out when the car in front finally started to pull away. i was a little disappointed. then i saw adam and tyler come through and i ran out and hxc danced by their car until i was noticed. :)

came home. not knowing what to expect. emo and nick had been planning something to do to me for april fools. i look around carefully as i was walking up to the house. i opened the front door very slowly and quietly. i thought i might be able to sneak in without them noticing me. the door was open only a few inches before i saw something move a few feet inside the room and i slammed the door shut. but not before i heard the silly string. yep, they went for silly string again. i don't have any pictures now, but lets just say that they used about 3 cans on me. those guys... pictures another time. my camera battery died and i don't feel like getting the ones from emo that he took.

but as a mental recap, i want to remember that i am very happy with my brain's behavior this evening. anytime i started to think in a way that would have normally triggered emo-ish thoughts, it only took half a second for me to tell myself that it doesn't matter, and it's not something i need to care about anymore. and it worked, it worked really well. God is good.

in closing, i'm posting a video to a song i really like. this is the live version, if you want to better be able to hear what the song is like, there's a couple versions on youtube with just the music. it's called Cupid Missed His Mark, by a great Christian band named Burden of a Day. I want to see them again live, this time on a stage where they've got room to be awesome like they are. you get a much better sense of the energy they put into it by seeing it live.

Burden of a Day - Cupid Missed His Mark

Disenchanting and contagious, when we think we were in love
superfluous, disengaging, to think we were in love
pointless words, when it comes to push and shove
we're just kids in grown up bodies right?
i am right aren't i?
to think we were in love.

this love is a tie that binds, the noose around my neck
this love is a tie that binds, the noose around our neck
you created me to love so much deeper than that
please let me fall again, i'll never come back

we can fall, just one time
it still hurts, in rewind
you can heal, broken hearts
and replace, with spare parts

i keep my heart in my pocket, it's weighing my shirt down
bleeding through the fabric and bursting with the sound
what if my heart beats too fast?
i'm longing for your still small voice, your still small voice
veins bloom with blue, like roadmaps
we fell against, against our will
what if my capillaries just seem to lapse?
we fell against, against our will

honestly, honestly, would you say those things to me?

get on your horse and ride!
i could go on and on about how i can make this relate to myself and situation. but i won't. i'm only letting myself be complainy about things for a little while. plus i'm doing so well that it would be a shame to let my own thoughts push me back voluntarily.


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