Friday, April 25, 2008

The Fall of Troy

listening to: nothing, i've done enough listening for tonight XD

the concert was SOOO GOOOD.

didn't hear much of Tera Melos. they were kinda... iffy.

nick spotted thomas sitting at the bar so we went and talked to him a bit. i shook his hand and told him he was my guitar hero. i was satisfied.

Foxy Shazam was just as interesting as you would think from their name. Singer was really entertaining. I think the keyboardist was a wizard, he looked like one. I asked him and he said he wasn't but somebody else had asked him almost the same thing that night. At one point in the show the "wizard" was on his hands and knees in front of the singer's mic. The singer pretended to play piano on his back while singing quite the elaborate rendition of the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-air. it was epic. The singer also took his knocked over mic stand and pretended like the bottom of it was a steering wheel and he was driving a car. nice.

The Dear Hunter was so so. I wasn't interested in them and i'm not any more interested now. Thomas came out and played guitar with them for a bit, but i spent most of the time wishing they were done so tfot could play.

The fall of troy was super awesome. Almost every one of their songs had a different intro, ending or middle part to it than what is on the cd. Thomas played things that give me solid reason to believe that he could beat john mayer in a blues style guitar battle. he can do anything, and it's all awesome.

i didn't get punched on purpose or anything, not that i know of at least. i wasn't the only one dancing, and i had a lot of fun getting my groove on in various ways. apparently some girl was trying to beat the snot out of a guy, but he was a good dodger. i didn't see it, but it sounded intense. after the show, a roadie threw out a set list into the crowd. i snatched it so fast that people were looking around wondering where it went. heh, it wasn't on the floor, it was in my hand and i was walking away. i got a shirt too. american apparel shirt, so nice.

i'm real tired though. i did take a beating and i'll be sore in the morning, but i'm cool with that.

first night playing with the drum set and we got the cops called on us. this is going to be sweet :)
we think it was the cancer neighbors though, who shouldn't be calling anything on us before the agreed time, 11pm on weeknights. it was only around 10:30 at the time of the call. oh well, we're fine.

is that it? it might be. i'm going to make it be cuz i'm sleepy.

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