Friday, July 4, 2008

ok i'll recap now

listening to: Weezer - Say It Ain't So

ok so now i guess i feel like going over my trip to New York a little bit.

well, in one word:Awesome.

in a lot of words:

started out wednesday with steve and i driving out to his parent's house on the east side. got some subway on the way out there, i love subway. hung out with his mom and dog for a while. i had a glass of wine. wine = fail. tastes bad. it was white wine. i like the sparkling grape juice much much better.

thursday. we got up super early. like, 5:30 maybe? i don't remember exactly. had some breakfast. i tried coffee. coffee = fail. gross. then we drove. steve actually drove the whole way out to New York. i didn't mind, riding was fun. i slept some during the drive but I dunno how much. michigan and ohio seemed to go by fast i think. pennsylvania was the longest trek it seemed. we drove all the way across it. i called up ViciousXan when we were in New Jersey. i told him where we were and he said we were probably 30min to an hour from his house. we almost planned to meet up on the drive back, but it didn't happen.

there was a point when we were in new jersey and it smelled terrible. i don't know why, it was just awful. something in the city. and then we got to new york.

first thing, we found the place where the car would sit for the weekend. it seemed kinda shady, but i was pretty confident everything was legit. and it was. we went and hung out in this really small bar/cafe thing while we waited for steve's friend to get out of work. they had free delicious appetizers. the best one was dates wrapped in bacon. that sounds insane but it tasted fantastic. we then went to Morningside Park to walk around. we walked and then sat down on some steps and took some pictures. aaaand we're pretty sure a drug deal went down like 20ft away from us at this point. some random guy came and sat really close to steve and started talking to him. i got the feeling he was trying to distract us from whatever was going on nearby (ie: drug deal). he was um... creepy. so we left.

met up with steve's friend brett, who is interning in NY for the summer. moved our stuff into his dorm, chilled for a little bit, then went back out. rode some subway, saw some times square. nice. also, got some NY pizza. giant slice of pizza for $3. sweet.

friday. got up at a reasonable time and headed out after breakfast. i don't even remember everywhere we went. nbc studios, nintendo world store (!), more subway rides, and chilling in central park. eventually we headed to the true desination of the trip, Brooklyn for the Vimeo meetup. SO MUCH FUN!

got there at like 7:30 i think. went inside. it was a mid-zized open room with 3 projectors, lights and some music. it was college humor's studio. after a while the dj was all set up and started throwin' down the tunes. Eclectic Method was the name of the dj. just today i found out that they're pretty big time. they travel worldwide, have done stuff for U2 and fatboy slim. awesome. they did video mashups with the music and it was really cool. they even made a mashup of Chocolate Rain and also made a clip from Family Guy into a song. super enterataining. we danced the whole night away, it was fun. i got some crip walking lessons. i feel like i can do it halfway decent. i need to tape myself trying and watch it to see what i look like doing it. but yeah, we were there until after midnight. so good!

left the party, a lot of people were going to a bar. got to the bar, but we were hungry and tired. we grabbed some pizza and then headed back to brett's. took some showers and then crashed. it was great. next day we slept in and then went to meet up with some Vimeo peeps at the Metropolitan Museum of Art to do a video scavenger hunt. the hunt fell through and instead we kinda hung out and then went out to eat. i had pizza that claimed to have been cooked with lava. i'm pretty sure i know what that meant, but it's an impessive claim. i'm thinking cooled lava rocks that they reheated to bake pizza on. parted ways with people after that. we ventured into times square at night, it was intense. so many people, so many lights. we got offered some drugs, and it was funny. somewhere during the trip we saw little italy and chinatown also. but i don't remember when exactly.

sunday we got up early and left. steve and i split the driving this time, but i think he may have driven more than i did that day. listened to some very entertaining podcasts on the way home, made the time go by quick i think. got back to steve's parent's place (we took his brother's car to NY) and had some dinner. chilled for a while before going to bed. woke up in the morning and came back to the west side. i was back at my house around 10.

in conclusion, way worth it to have gone. way way way.
and now, i'll post the videos i got from the trip. i already made a facebook note with the links to all these, but i figure more linkage can't hurt. all the pictures from the trip are on facebook. i just assume that pretty much anybody who reads this is a friend of mine on facebook.

First video: this is steve's video, this is us getting offered drugs. lulz.

Haze from Stephen Niebauer on Vimeo.

second: the trip to NY

Driving to New York (and) Morningside Park from Jarrod Pyper on Vimeo.

third: randoms

Adventures in New York! from Jarrod Pyper on Vimeo.

fourth: the city

Adventures in New York 2! from Jarrod Pyper on Vimeo.

fifth: central park

Adventures in Central Park from Jarrod Pyper on Vimeo.

sixth: the Vimeo party

Vimeo Meetup Party New York '08! from Jarrod Pyper on Vimeo.

seventh: this video is from somebody else, but at the 3:00 mark, he caught me dancing at the party. :D

VLOG: Vimeo Meetup 2008 from CocteauBoy on Vimeo.

so yeah. there you have it. awesome time.

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