Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"your face endears you to me"

listening to: The Bled - Porcelain Hearts and Hammers for Teeth

the quote in the title is from a fairly short-lived webcomic that i used to read. it was really quite something, witty but with deepness and metaphors. the art style was pretty sweet too. the creators comments on their own work was always fun too, because they way they organized their words and how random they were is funny. i think for a while i started to try writing like them because it amused me so much. A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible is the name. check out the archives.

oh hai taylor, look, here is your name.

so hm... what have i been up to? well, last night Rodd helped me (did it for me) put a new tube in my bike tire so now it's rideable. i think i'll be riding my bike to work wednesday, kinda exciting :)
my twin has rescued me yet again. i don't even know if i can express how much of a massive blessing she's been in my life. i get mail from school saying i need to pay at least part of my tuition by august 6, which i can do, but then paying for the flight to california becomes a lot trickier. the very next day, i hear from Jo, who hasn't had internet/phone for a while and she says she still going to help me get out there. !!!! Everything always works out, because God is good and I rely on Him and He takes care of me. It's beautiful. This is why i don't get worked up and worry about things. rarely, at least.

hm... what else?
i forgot something, maybe it will come to me.
going to warped tour this weekend. sweeeet. here i come rich :)
nick may be getting a new car tomorrow, nice.
playing music at VBS is a lot of fun. kids are cool. they sing loud.
for $100 i'm buying a Marshall 4x12 cab from Noellen, former guitarist for A Hollywood Ending (the band we let stay at our house one night after they played a show up here). now he does solo stuff, which you can find here. him and his girlfriend are going to be coming up here from indiana next month to crash at our house again and hang out and probably go to the beach. yaya!

so um... i'm going to go have lunch and a shower.
i need both.
and i need to shave. just fyi.


  1. Ha! Your blog is so fun to read. It's like you're just talking, keep it up :)

  2. haha thanks!
    i try to keep it real you know.
    real real.
