Wednesday, December 10, 2008


i feel terrible.

today while i was still home and lying in bed feeling semi-wretched from whatever sickness this must be, i imaginitively experience a scenario where i was in the hospital on what could potentially be my deathbead because of how sick i was (in my imagination).  there were a lot of my friends around me and i would hurriedly say to each of them how much they meant to me and what i liked about them and apologizing for any wrongs i'd done to them and i was saying it all in streams of speech, sounding partially delirous.

yeah, these are the things i daydream sometimes.  strange, i think.

this sickness or whatever it is has sapped all my energy.  i've felt very tired and weak most of today.  i feel like i get punched in the head with mini headaches that only last for a short period, and then my body aches in waves sometimes.  i just generally feel abnormal, something is definitely not right.  my mind feels floaty.

with that, i'm going to sleep.
probably not going to class in the morning.  and i'm perfectly ok with that.

sorry momma lauren, i didn't go straight to bed when i got home.

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