Tuesday, December 9, 2008


listening to: Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24

it's all a game to me.
one i seldom let myself play.
what to do, oh what to do.

i got all my drawing done today.  i didn't go to work so i could get my drawing final done by the due date tonight.  i went to go turn it in online when i noticed an email from my professor.  the email said that he pushed the due date for our project back to friday.



ah well.  just one sculpture to go and i'm done with the class.  phew.

pwned my marketing presentation today.  really glad about that.
had the last class day for Fiction.  too bad, i liked the people in that class a lot.

still plenty to be done though.  plenty.  but i feel good.

we're playing a trans-siberian orchestra song in church on sunday and i'm super pumped for it.  i want to practice it all of the times so i can do well.  i need to learn to do the squeadlies.   practice practice.

i'll leave you with this quote from Scott Simpson, a man i find very entertaining:
"that's the beauty of the anachronism, of the weird behavior... if i were to write a 10 page paper on why you should be a nerd, it's because the 95% will think you're an idiot but the 1% who's a lady and who's hot and, you know, gets it, will love you."
that sounds more serious than it is in context.  they were discussing fanny packs.

the internet just ran away.
i dunno when this will post because i don't know when the internet will come back.
please come back by morning.  pretty please internet.


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