Thursday, December 11, 2008

you outdid yourself

i get the word of the day emailed to me every day.  well, actually sometimes it doesn't come and then shows up a day or two later and get multiple at once, but you know.  i do this because i love vocabulary, i like words.


today the word of the day is an absolutely ridiculous word that i have never heard of and will never use:

ablaut \ABH-lout\, noun:

the systematic substitution of one root vowel sound for another in different inflectional forms or derivatives of a word, as in ring, rang, rung.

really?  did we need to make a word for that?
i don't think we did.

that's all for now.


  1. Can you use that in a sentence please?


  2. if i did that i'd be supporting the word.
    i could never do that.
