Saturday, June 14, 2008

random and beautiful

listening to: Thrice - Open Water

most random event of the week:

a bunch of people were supposed to go see the new Hulk movie tonight. 12:01 in fact. since i work right next to where we were going to see the movie, and i went over there right after i got out of work at about 11:15, i was the first one at the theater. looking at the movie times on the screen, i didn't see a 12:01 showing, the last one started at 10:50. i called up justin, told him, but then i saw that 12:01 was listed on the screen, but as the first showing. for a few moments i thought everything made sense but then i realized it didn't. after a quick question to the nice person behind the glass, we had confirmed that there was no showing at 12:01am saturday. the only 12:01 showing had already happened about 24 hours earlier. so i started to leave the theater, when suddenly a "woah!" came from a group of people walking towards me. it was Bill, Lauren, Jon and Justin. so i said "whelp, maybe i'll see a movie after all." and i did. and it was fun. the end.

hey Lauren, did you find this? i was hoping you would. since you mentioned what i had said last time about bill, i figured you'd come across this sooner or later.
anyway, i was reading your note, and had more to say on it but i didn't feel like leaving it in a comment there. why? because this is the way ninjas operate, stealthy and... roundabout?
these lines in specific resonated with me:

"a lot of times i think i am steady enough that i could meet and marry just about any guy and make it work. that probably didn't come across as i wanted it to. i mean that i think i can get along with enough kinds of people and am passionate and willing to make things work, so i don't fear that my future marriage won't work out. i know that if we are both seeking God with absolutely everything in us and putting Him above the other, it will be absolutely perfect. i acknowledge the difficulties that will arise and the arguments, but i embrace the challenge whole-heartedly."

if you changed the word "guy" to "girl," i would say this fits my thoughts about myself perfectly. for me, this makes it strange and even scary to think of there being one person who is the best or ideal for me. i mean, if there really is only one person that's perfect for me, then there's so many other people that aren't as good, and how will i know the difference?
i used to think that there isn't necessarily one "meant to be" person for everyone. then i started to think that there just must be one person that's better than all others. but now i'm finding that i'm thinking more like i used to. God can bless any relationship, and i definitely believe he will if the priorities in the relationship are right. Sure, relationships will be different with different people, and there can be glaring differences that make it unreasonable to even want a relationship with certain people, but different does not have to imply better of worse. just because person A and person B both enjoy topics 1, 2, and 3 doesn't mean that couple will be any better off than if person A was with person C, and they both like topics 4, 7, and 8.
basically, love is not quite logical, and what seems to make sense might mean nothing. what seems crazy may be the most beautiful. even if there really is a "the one," upon entering a relationship i would have to pray and trust God to show me if the person was wrong for me. faith is paramount.

so um, yeah. i didn't actually have anything to say about the Thrice quote, i just wanted you to find this. :) and i ended up having way more to say than i thought. it definitely would have overflowed the facebook character limit on comments.

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