Thursday, June 19, 2008

directions and dreams

listening to: Blink 182 - Feeling This

today was full of win.

started off with waking up by alarm clock and not going back to sleep despite the fact that i didn't actually have to get up. did some internetting (i just made up that verb) read a bunch of things on wikipedia about cryptozoology. check it out.

i got motivated enough to drive to my parents house and try to snag a bike. little did i know, i would be taking my own bike back with me. apparently Arif fixed the bike sometime within the last week. saweet! i hung out with my sisters and brother for a little while also because i love them.

got home, changed, and headed out on my bike to see how long it would take me to bike to work. it takes almost exactly 45 minutes if i'm going along at a decent pace. i figure if i leave an hour before i have to be at work, biking will be just fine. there are 3 things i learned all at once about halfway from my home to work.
1. My tires aren't properly inflated
2. I've had this bike since middle school, it's not the right size for me
3. The seat is not comfortable. at all.
so i stopped at a bike shop and got air in my tires, that made the first problem better. the other two stuck with me the rest of the ride.

so i rode to work, saw Courtney on the way there, that was pretty random. she was going to work to, but actually to do work, unlike me. i walked around costco for a while, distracting my fellow employees from their work. i like my coworkers. courtney convinced me to buy this multigrain bread that's 60 cents more for half the amount of the bread i usually get. it's pretty good stuff, but heavy in my stomach i think. well see if i keep getting it.

while on the bike trails i saw 2 deer, 2 beavers or woodchucks, i'm not sure, and 2 turkey-ish things with gobblers. pretty exciting. the first dear was standing on the bike trail when i rounded a turn. it saw me and jumped off into the woods. cool.

the "my bike seat is uncomfortable" issue only got worse on the ride back. by the end of the ride i was making little pained sounds every time i hit a small bump or hole. yeah, i'm dramatic. my butt was so sore! and it still hurts. trisha sad that should get better over time. we'll see. i'd like a new bike seat. jas suggested biking shorts. padded.

got back from the bike ride, then went to jam with alex, brian and zim. that was super fun! i even played drums for a little while. i like hitting the drums. maybe i'll have to practice them more. went to see the end of Ultimate after that, and then played hockey. a very active day for me.

chatted with Giannii for a good while. we're going to get things organized with this project stuff. i have a feeling productivity is about to rise substantially. i'm glad there's somebody like him to get this organized and in motion.

had a good talk with a friend tonight. more than one talk and more than one friend actually. i feel very.... free, from my own thoughts now. it's funny how easy it is when you just face things head on, as they are. all is well.

i am sad for nick that he keeps putting himself through what he's going through. he doesn't have to deal with it, and he shouldn't. i get angry at him about it but it's because he won't stop this cycle. he could be living such a more joy filled life. i know know know that him and his gf won't last forever. but the longer they stay together, the more time they spend being unsatisfied. i love nick, i'm just hoping and praying he gets his head on straight and does what he (and his friends) knows needs to be done.

since when is staying up until 3 am normal?
i've got work in the morning. i need to be sleeeeeping.

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