Friday, June 20, 2008

oh what a night

listening to: Burden of a Day - It's Lonely at the Top (or so I've Heard)

yesterday was quite the day. more specifically, the night was quite the night.

the day was good though. good shift at work, i actually hung around talking to people for like a half hour after i was done working. what can i say? i work with cool people.

went to my parent's house then and hung out for a while with them, then went home to get my guitar/amp for practice at church. practice went well, but i'm going to need to actually practice some stuff here at home to make sure i play it right. i <3 guitar.

after that i went back to my parent's to pick up a tax form that i need to turn in to school. hung around for a little while again. before i left my dad gave me another kind of update on how things are going in the family. please pray for them, my mom and dad mostly. i know that things will turn out all right and they'll be taken care of, and my dad is trying hard to keep that in mind and trust God, but I think my mom is having a harder time of it. she just gets really stressed with everything.

after that it was off to Magoo's in wyoming. i think this is a stupid name for a bar/club but whatever. it was a work party for a guy who is retiring and for my friend who is leaving for London. i'm going to miss them both. Dave was so entertaining as my supervisor. he's just got his own attitude and way of doing things, it's quirky, somewhat eccentric and just plain fun. he gave me a lot of good advice too, like "Jarrod, don't get old. Things start going wrong with you and you have no idea why." he's going to go travel around the world some more though. Jerusalem, then Vietnam, then Hiking in California are his current plans. so cool. he travels a lot.
and Trisha! oh dear trisha... i'm going to miss her. she's one of my best friends at work. it's sad that i won't be seeing her for at least the next like 6 weeks. never before have a had a 34 year old granddaughter, and never will i have another. she's a real bright spot at work and i'll notice daily that she isn't there. farewell trish.

so while at this party, i was offered a drink twice by people who know alcohol much better than i do. so i accepted. the first one was Mike getting me an Irish Car Bomb. i believe it was guiness that you dropped Bailey's into. it was actually pretty good. i don't think it tasted bad at all. a while later Veronica offered to buy me a shot, she got me a Kamikaze. that was pretty tasty too. it was sweet with just a hint of bad tasting alcohol, but overall quite good indeed. alcohol redeemed itself to me last night.
and so i danced the night away and hung out with fun people. some were very entertaining with a few in them. i really like the place i work, i'm glad i'm there.

anyway, i need to go start my day.
cya later.

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