Thursday, June 12, 2008

night ending

listening to: Thrice - The Sky is Falling

so i'm sitting here.
without a shirt on.
there's a fan on high
blowing in my face
trying to dry me.

maybe a shower right before bed wasn't the best idea.

but i do like the way my hair feels after a shower. when it's slightly cool from being damp, but not really wet. and it's soft. i like having long hair.

it was Jo's birthday tuesday, a week after mine. i called her up to say happy birthday and she informed me that a gift for me was on the way. she's helping me go to california again.
THANK YOU! i figured i'd be able to save up the money over the next month or so, but i wasn't sure, and i probably wouldn't have much money to take with me for food and such. this is pretty phenomenal. an incredible blessing.

this is why i don't worry and stress about things a lot. if it's meant to happen, it will happen. have faith that you will be taken care of, because you will. well, that is, if you know God as the Creator and you follow the example of Jesus. no other deity is real enough to care about me or my life. no other belief system gives sense to the world like the Christian view does.

i'm incredibly blessed. i have everything that i need, and always have. loving friends and family, food, shelter, opportunity. i thank all of the people in my life for being who they are to me, helping make me into who i am and being there for me. but most of all, i thank God for putting these people in my life. if i think about where i'm at now, i can look back and see the string of blessings that lead me to this point. it's not luck, it's purpose, it's meaning. my life is not empty.

well, my hair is dry. time to go to sleep. :)

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