Monday, September 8, 2008

oh, you guys

listening to: Justice - Phantom Pt. 1

first of all. i love this song, it's sweet. i like the song more than i like this video but this was the most entertaining way i could think of presenting it to you.

so today was good. but i only feel like i have one thing i need to communicate to sum up my feeling right now:

[00:01] Pap3rTig3rs: i love that house and it's residents
[00:02] MisterCleanTM: this house loves you too
[00:02] MisterCleanTM: in fact. the mural that theo painted of you on his ceiling using only hotdog condiments says that right below it
[00:02] MisterCleanTM:'s in elvish
[00:02] MisterCleanTM: but i think that's what it says
[00:02] Pap3rTig3rs: AHAHAHAHA
[00:02] Pap3rTig3rs: i'm so putting that in my blog

and at the same time:

[00:02] Shiodooru: I dont know elvish
[00:03] Shiodooru: Its klingon

oh, you guys.

there was a lower part to this night, were my head was messing with me. i discovered i've moved beyond the "indifferent" feeling i kind of thought i was at. yes it's about a girl. it's almost always about a girl. not with me, just in general.

but the night ends well.
thanks alex and theo. thanks for the lulz.
we do it all for the lulz....


  1. Dude that girl obviously loves Justice.

    I'd marry her.

  2. haha.

    yeah she's got some skillz.
    go for it. her name is Sophie Merry. you might as well watch this one too then:
