Friday, September 19, 2008

up and down

listening to: iwrestledabearonce - Ulrich Firelord: Breaker of Mountains

yesterday was amazing. today, though not finished yet, has not gone so well.

started off leaving alex's place. walked out to my car and noticed a dent in the driver's side door as big as my hand spread out. no idea when that happened, definitely not while i was in it, and i don't think it happened in flint. good thing i don't value my car being in any sort of pristine condition.

driving home didn't take as long as driving out there. i decided to take a little nap before going to work. work was fine for a bit. then i found out that i didn't get the job i really really wanted. total disappointment. rebecca (the supervisor for that position) was really nice as always, and explained to me that it was basically because of my availability. i don't have the right time available to work to be good for that department. i'm too busy. /sigh. i wanted that really bad. at least there's cool people in my department still.

i tried to be upset about it today. it worked for a couple hours but i couldn't stay that way. i dunno, it's hard for me to be sad for a long time nowadays, even if i want to be. haha. that's strange maybe.

ok, but like i said, yesterday was amazing! i did a terrible job of driving out to flint, but it was fine once i got there. that morning though in class we had the greatest discussion. i loved it. we talked about game design in light of the responsibility that we as designers have in creating our games. our games are going to affect people. interaction is one of the most powerful teaching tools. our teacher asked us if we felt responsible for the people that take in our content. as i kind of expected, a lot of people really didn't care, but i agreed full heartedly that we have a responsiblity for what we create. the teacher asked what if we made world of warcraft, how would we feel seeing that our game causes so many people to sit inside all the time and do nothing but play our game. they don't do anything useful or beneficial with their life, just play our game in all the spare time that they have. i know that i would feel like i'd created a monster. it was such a sweet discussion. it was game design with psychology and sociology and philosophy all mixed in. my favorite. so good.

the concert was awesome. 13 year old band!? it made me wonder what i'm doing with my life if those kids are playing shows.... oh yeah, i'm going to college, that's right. band with no drummer was too loud, all i heard was noise, though i'm positive there were skillz there. Iwrestledabearonce was really cool. started off with a partial cover of van halen's Jump. i got some dancing in, felt real good. got hit on the head, that didn't feel good.

got a shirt. had a good time.
life doesn't suck.
so there.

going to play ctf. cya.

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