Sunday, September 21, 2008

under the weather

listening to: Underoath - Too Bright to See, Too Loud to Hear

Good God, if your song leaves our lips
If your work leaves our hands
Then we will be wanderers and vagabonds
They will stare and say how empty we are
How the freedom we had turned us up as dead men

Let us be cold, make us weak
Let us, because we all have ears
Let us, because we all have eyes
Good God...

How they knew that this would happen
We're so run down

Good God, Can you still get us home...
How can we still get home
I'm not dreaming
We're forgetting our forgiveness


it's not Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape, but it's still pretty good. i like hand claps.

i'm definitely not completely well. runny noses are annoying. i'll live though. i need to get more sleep on a regular basis.

my car stresses me out, because sometimes it seems like the temp is fine and then it will shoot back up again and then go back down and it seems random and i don't like it. if i don't have a car i can't take my guitar anywhere to play! that's probably my biggest concern about it right now. i bike to school, i can bike to work if necessary. i can get rides to some other places. maybe i'll have to get familiar with the bus system or something. we'll see. all in due time.

i feel like i'm coming up to an important decision to make soon. one that i'm kind of afraid to do, but maybe my fear betrays a lack of faith in what i know to be true. just too many "what ifs" that run through my head.

lets cut the ambiguous and call it a night.
i'm tired and i've still got some reading to do.


  1. don't be hasty jarrod. no need to 'cut the ambiguous', i think everybody needs at least a dash of ambiguity in their lives =)

  2. haha, well said friend.
    very clever to work a plug for yourself in there.
