oh well.
today was pretty nice. woke up earlier than necessary. 15 minutes later i started getting text messages from numbers i didn't know saying things like "miss you honey" "miss you sweetie" "love you jarrod." i was like ...... how did west get multiple phones to do this with?
but it wasn't him. it was my mom having too much fun with erin and her mom. they were waiting for their flight to minnesota and decided to text me up. it made my morning more interesting.
went and had lunch with arif. man i love subway. for over a month now i've been forgetting to bring some of the gamecube games home for him. i really need to do that this week. arif is a pretty alright kid. his english *needs* to get better, but he does alright. i like him, and he appreciates me as a brother, which is cool. all of my adopted siblings really appreciate me. it's really nice to feel that love from them.
so i went to work, worked a good 6 hours. that's 6 hours extra this week that i wasn't scheduled for. i'm glad amber had her wisdom teeth out so i could take her shift and make more money. :) interesting occurrence at work today though. i finally got a comment written up about me by a member. i had been waiting for one. i'm not positive about it, but i'm pretty sure this is a serious comment from a very, obviously very serious person. the comment said as follows:
"On March 4 at 5:00 or 5:30 there was an awful mangy looking young man checking reciepts at the door. What a sorry representation; long hair in his eyes, flipping it all around to keep it out of his face.... ugh!"
wait for it...... aaaaand..... lol? my manager showed this note to me before he threw it away. he said, "jarrod, i've never had a problem with you, i just wanted to show you this." and he was laughing as he handed it to me. i kept the note. i might frame it, it's really funny. some lady was having a bad day or something. at first i wasn't sure what to think, i laughed, but my feelings were actually kind of hurt. but now i just laugh. compared to all the positive verbal comments i get on my hair from random people at costco, this is nothing. actually, i just realized that it's kinda nice that i get comments on it fairly often. :) the lady at subway today even said that she liked my long hair. i'm blessed. oh, and yesterday i totally worked the wrong shift of hours at work but nobody said anything about it and i didn't realize until long after i had gotten home. i came into work 2 hours early and worked an hour longer than i was supposed to and nobody seemed to have noticed...... weird.
and after work was.... PANCAKES! nick and emo and i had been waiting for this day for quite a while. in return for acquiring the piano from the old house and moving it into this house, kelley agreed to make pancakes for us all. and tonight the deal was fulfilled, and it was delicious. very satisfying. thank you kelley.
after all that was over emo and i had to solve the problem of me owing him money and his bank account being negative and i don't get paid until friday. we decided to take a shot at turning in all my spare change and all the empty bottles/cans we had in the house. we needed to net at least $70 for emo to have enough money to get by. we took the box full of cans out to the car and while walking across the yard the bottom of the box fell out. i couldn't stop laughing because i had just told emo to watch out so the bottom of the box doesn't drop. i also told him he should take a coat with us, but he didn't listen until we had to pick up all the cans from the ground. he should have listened to me all along. i just want to say, i don't like you, coinstar. you take 9 cents out of every dollar in change you count for me. ok, 8 and 9/10 of a cent, but that's just a lame way of saying 9 because you round up anyway i know it. i prayed that we'd make enough money to get by and it turns out that i had $98.27 in change with me. the cans got us about $12 also. we made enough! here's the receipt, which i think i'll keep
coinstar took out a lousy $8.75 fee for counting my money for me. i would have gladly counted it myself, especially to save $9, but oh well. it was a success, mission accomplished, we can afford to live!
that's all for tonight i think. i made up 2 guitar parts this evening that i like, hopefully i don't forget them. i bought a C.S. Lewis book from work on a whim, it's A Grief Observed. it will have to get in line behind the other lewis book i have to read after i finish this thomas merton book.
life is good. i'm very blessed. i have loving friends and family. lets pray for more sunshine tomorrow, lets banish this snow for the season! goodnight to you.
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