Thursday, March 6, 2008


i am sleepy.
this may be brief.

today i realized that on wednesdays i spend 8 hours in the same room at school.
interesting. well, there is that 2 hour break between my 3 hour each classes, but today i don't think i even left the room that whole time. before class i went out and filmed some the downtown grand valley pew campus for a project. there's some cool looking stuff down there that i didn't know of. the fountain, a courtyard. nice.

school is going good. i still have to do massive catch up on that dumb business law class. the CC library is closed over spring break (go figure) so i'll have to do all of that stuff next week when i'm on my other spring break.

played some guitar tonight. played gutiar hero. and smash bros. and mario kart 64. good stuff. people were over. we smashed nick's acoustic guitar. it broke last night when it fell over. we also lit it on fire a little. that was against my advice. it's all on tape so it will most likely be youtubed sometime soon.

i felt peculiar this morning. in a good way. i felt really good, and while showering i wrote a poem. it's not done, but there's 4 lines.

i think a thief came while i slept
and stole some thoughts that once had kept
me up at night, o'er oft i wept
and suffered grief of future cleft

will it be finished? wait and see. motivation steers all.

i'm engaged in quite the discussion with my friend rob regarding religion/truth and such. i need to curb my desire to be "right" and "win" arguments. i'm thinking posting our messages back and forth here on the blog. mainly i've got a big problem with how he believes that each person decides/defines truth for themselves and truth is relative to each person. that would mean that there are no real concrete truths in the world. the very nature of a "truth" is that it is correct, not false. put in context: if I believe God exists, and somebody else believes that God does not exist, we cannot both be right. but the relativistic perspective says that truth is what we decide it is. this is seriously illogical, seeing as nothing can exist and not exist at the same time. it creates all sorts of contradictions.

i also made some comments on a friends blog that i found. he made a claim that man = god and he came up with proofs to back it up. i challenged his ideas and he hasn't responded to the challenge. he did respond, just with things that were irrelevant. i think i will post that here tomorrow, seeing as i'm pretty sure the discussion is over.

it's been a day. a good day.

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