Sunday, March 2, 2008


didn't have a good post title.

today was filled full. got up early, went to church (love that place) and lead the music in the absence of the lowells. went home for lunch (delicious). it was a small lunch table today. mom was in kzoo and nobody came with me today. went to work, got out 10 minutes early (woo) and went back to the 'rents house. pumpkin pie was supposed to be consumed, but it wasn't. it turns out the ready made pies still take a while to bake, then require TWO HOURS to cool. didn't happen. maybe tuesday. played a few rousing games of Uno with arif and selvije, good times. i was impressed by selvije's understanding of the game. she once ended a hand by putting down 3 cards at once because she knew that separately they would all instantly give her another turn so she would win anyway.

i like my family, a lot. i'm lucky to have siblings and to be the oldest. i appreciate my sisters and i like that they always make a big deal when i come home and they give me hugs. i'm sentimental sometimes. or a lot of times, your choice.

time to rest now. there are things to be done tomorrow. such as a jam session! my old friend Ian from middle school came into Costco today and we randomly such up a time to jam tomorrow. i always inwardly lament about how i wish i could jam with a drummer, i know so few of them. ian has been playing since i knew him in middle school, so i'm pretty positive he's got skillz. and him coming into costco today while i happened to be standing right at the door seems to coincidental to be a coincidence. i think good things can happen.

rock on. God rules. goodnight.

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