Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dustin Kensrue is my role model

Dustin Kensrue, lyricist and lead singer of Thrice, is hereby my role model/hero/superhero.

I've been reading about him today, and that's the conclusion i came to.

Thought I had always kind of guessed that he was probably a Christian, i was never sure until today. he's got a bible verse in herbrew tattooed on his left wrist. so many of his songs contain biblical themes and stories. he loves C.S. Lewis and his books. he is such a cool guy.

today i also found out that he has a KID. and the kid's name is SAILOR. that's a sweet name. I'm thinking it's a girl, but i'm not positive. her middle name is Ardith. i dunno where that came from but that's sweet too. Sailor Ardith Kensrue. awesome.

another reason I think it's a girl is because of the song "The Whaler." could be my favorite song off of the Water album, followed closely by Digital Sea. The Whaler's lyrics go like this:

My lover's arms,
they beg me to stay.
But I know the storms,
they will sweep me away.

My daughter's eyes,
they are two tiny seas,
whose water will rise
and then run down her cheeks.

"Father where do you go,
so far out upon the sea,
when are you coming home to me?"
"Darling why do you leave,
as the north wind begins to blow?
Will you be coming home to me?"

The boat and the blade,
they are all that I know;
the sea calls my name,
and so I must go.

And while they still sleep,
I slip out through the door;
but how can I leave,
with my anchors ashore?

"Father where do you go?
It's farther than I can see,
when are you coming home to me?"
"Darling why do you leave,
as the north wind begins to blow?
Will you be coming home to me?"

so good! i love the piano part in that song. such good music. i love the lines "but how can i leave, when my anchors ashore?" beautious.

the one quote i pulled off of wikipedia that i really liked from Dustin is what he says about making music and songs:

“I try to be an artist who aspires to find hope even in dark places: If I’m down, I don’t want to bring people down to that place with me. I’m looking for a way out."

To anybody that reads these words, anyone that sees me struggling in anything, do you I look like i'm still struggling when you see me face to face? I don't think that I do. No matter how down i might be feeling, i've still got a lot of happiness in my life. a lot of joy. When I look like i'm having fun and enjoying life, it's not a mask i'm hiding behind. I'm not secretly suffering inside.

I'm am entirely unwilling to let the tough parts about life get me down and keep me there. I am only in those dark places long enough to learn what i need, to think things through and then come out. I am not chained.

but we're all in this life together. Stand and feel your worth. Wrap yourself in Light.


  1. God is the only one with the power to forget. I wish He would share that one with us! (Although, I suppose I'll change my mind about that when I develop Alzheimer's :-P)

  2. i'm assuming you meant to comment on the post right after this one.


    no worries.

    and forgetting isn't they way to go anyway. memories and lessons learned are important.

  3. Haha... yeah, I did. Silly me.
